Thursday, January 14, 2010

7 months old!

He loves his bathes!
Sitting up all by himself.
He has the biggest bluest eyes.
He is such a momma's boy.

I can't believe my sweet baby is 7 months old. He entered this world letting us know who was in charge, and he is still letting us know who is in charge. I know every mother says it, but he is the most amazing baby ever. At his 6 month check up, he was 12 pounds. He is a little on the small side, but his doctor says he is growing great. He has started foods and loves to grab whatever he can get his hands on. He is not sleeping through the night which pretty much is horrible. I am so mean and crabby without sleep. Good thing I love this little man more than anything. He has not lost any hair, therefore he looks like he has a toupe! He is rolling everywhere and wants to be mobile. He is a horrible teether and finally broke through 2 teeth. I am hoping maybe he will now sleep. He is growing up way to fast. He is loved by all.