Sunday, December 21, 2008

December Craziness

I am so far behind. It has been a crazy few months and I am exhausted and always Nauseas. Yes, I am 12 weeks pregnant. We are so excited and I am so looking forward to when food looks and sounds good again. Being sick through the holidays is frustrating. So many good foods to eat and they look disgusting. I am almost there. This baby is already loved and we look forward at what is to come.
December has been crazy, but so much fun. It started out with my birthday which Jeff always makes great. Morgan then danced in her first Christmas recital. She was so excited. She just bounced all over the stage. I was laughing so hard, I was crying. She was so dang cute. Jeff and I then headed to Las Vegas for a little get away. Him and his two partners took us wifes. It was so fun. We went to the Phantom of the Opera, which was amazing. We then went to Ka, a cirque da ole. It was a great and relaxing weekend. The month has been full of Christmas parties and school activities. I have been learning how to make chocolates from oh so talented mother- in law. They are so yummy. The month is always full of the spirit of Christmas. I love this time of year and the feeling you get. My faith in people on the other hand has been tested. Saturday Jeff got a phone call from one of his partners telling him that there office that they just built had been broken in too. There have been break ins around our town and the police think they are all connected. There office was a mess. All three of their offices were destroyed and we all feel violated. Their safe was destroyed and things taken out. Jeff's monitor was taken. He even went through JEff's scriptures he keeps in his office. Christmas presents were unwrapped and taken. It was a trying and sad day. The police have good leads, so there is hope.
On a good note, we are so blessed and safe. I admire my husband for his patience and strong work. I look forward to Christmas with my family in Island Park. We haope that you all have a great christmas. Merry Christmas from Our house to yours. The pictures below are random pictures of our fun Christmas month. Jeff and I at Ceaser's Palace.

We took the kids to Temple Square. It was cold. but alot of fun

Morgan our dancing, jumping bean

I was a little excited that Jeff got me my Uggs. I love them. Can you tell?


Marcy Cheney said...

Oh Brooke...congratulations to you and Jeff both on your pregnancy! Uncle Kevin and I are both really happy for your whole family and what a special blessing this time of year. On another note, I do hope the police find the crazies who broke into Jeffs' bldg. People can be so destructive and evil---how sad :( Hope food starts looking good to you real soon and that you and your whole family will have a wonderful Christmas in Island Park. Love you guys.

Ashton & Co. said...

Congratulations Brooke! I hope you get feeling better soon! Have a great Christmas! (Looks like you've ahd a fun and busy month!)

Leslie said...

Oh my gosh! Congrats on the pregnancy! I am so excited for you guys. Also devastating to hear about the break-in. I remember one Christmas Eve, my sister's car got broken into, parked in front of my dad's house. All of the presents were taken. I couldn't believe that someone could live with themselves knowing what they had just done. We will never understand such cruelty.

Have a great holiday in Island Park...I am so jealous! Tell that good hubby of yours hi for me!

Leslie (Hurst)

Emily said...

December is such a busy month with everything, but then again, I guess it wouldn't be Dec. if it wasn't. Congratulations on the pregnancy. I hope you get feeling better soon. Merry Christmas and please tell all your family hello!!!

Tiffany Robinson said...

Well Happy birthday and congratulations. Thanks for sitting next to me at church and pushing me to be more daring. It is great to see how your family is doing and growing. Wish you a merry christmas

Zach and Sara said...

Hey Brooke, congratulations to you and Jeff on the pregnancy. I'm so excited for you guys! Happy birthday too. I hope you and your family have happy holidays!

elizabeth scott said...

Congratulations! I just found out about Heather too. How exciting for you! That sick part is yucky but hey that is one way to stay skinny during the holidays. ha ha

Olive the Gores said...

WHAT..uncle Billy is handing out all these cute little babies! I am so excited for y'all! Such a blessing! Sad we didn't get to see you guys..hopefully next time! Hope the New Year brings you lots of love and happiness! Congrats!

Sorry about Jeff's terrible! Sad that people do things like that! Happy you all are safe..that is really what matters! Love you all!