Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girls Weekend!

All I have to say is, thank goodness that January is over. I really had a rough one. I feel like this baby is sucking the life out of me. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited for this baby, but I am exhausted and so mean! So I decided to get out of Utah and go to even colder weather in rexburg. Sometimes a girl just needs her Dad and Mom. So Michelle and the girls and I left on thursday and stayed until Monday. The whole weekend was so relaxing and just what I needed. We shopped, we ate and even went to a movie. That is something I haven't done in forever. We saw Bride wars and it was so cute. I loved it. We even were able to take a peek at the baby. It is perfect. It always so relieving to see that sweet baby moving. It was so active. Jeff wasn't there so he asked me not to find out what it was. I didn't find out, but my whole family knows. My mom does the ultrasounds, so she knew and then everyone knew. They had me so confused the whole weekend. So of course, if anyone is curious, you can call anyone in my family. Jeff and I find out this next week. We are excited to be surprised. I was really sad to leave. My parents took such good care of me and I love that they are still willing to do that. Thanks Mom and Dad it was the best.
As far sa everything else goes, we are pretty boring here. Jeff and I had to speak in church today and there is not a whole lot that terrifies me more than that. It has been a stressful week getting ready but it is over and we should be good for a while. The kids are keeping us busy. Hope everyone is doing well. Lets hope I can do better with this blog thing. This a 4D picture. The umbilical cord is right by its face, but it is a perfect picture of its little face.

A side profile. Those legs were kicking like crazy.


Marcy Cheney said...

I had read Michelles' blog about your girls weekend to Rexburg and I gotta say, I'm just a wee bit jealouse that you can hop in a car and drive for a few hours and be with your parents. That must be so fun for you all...I only wish my girls could do that! I think it's really neat that your Mom got to do an ultrasound for you and we can't wait to hear what you're having. How fun that you and Sara are only 8 weeks apart. Don't ya just love babies??? Love you guys and hope you get to feeling better really soon.

Katie L. said...

That sounds like so much fun! To get away with the girls is the best! You did so good on your talk and so did Jeff. It's now over so you can relax!

Meredith said...

I'm so glad you got to get away for a relaxing weekend. You deserved it! Pregnancy is tough on you- Can't wait to find out what you are having!

Leslie said...

That baby is looking adorable already! Your mom and dad are amazing for taking you in like that...I am constantly amazed as an adult how much I still feel like I need my mom and dad, just like I did then. I would have assumed it would stop being a need, but I was wrong!

Be sure to keep us posted on the sex of your new babe!

Emily said...

You live in Utah? I don't know why but I thought you were in Rexburg. That ultrasound was amazing. I hope February is a better month for you.

Mandy Gardner said...

Hey, we are in the same mood- mean and like the life is being sucked out of me, Thanks January! I'm so jealous that you get to find out what you are having. The ultrasound lady at my docs office is out for 3 weeks. Maybe I'll call your mom-ha. Hope to talk to you soon. Mandy

Heather said...

congrats on the new baby! Your little babe is already a cutie. I can't wait to hear the gender!

Cisneros Family said...

I am so excited you are having a girl, I mean a boy! Just kidding! I can't wait for you to find out! We need another girls weekend already!!