Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pinewood Derby and a Bus!

On Wednesday, Andrew had his pinewood derby. Getting the car done this year was down to the last minute. We were a little crazy. He did really good. It is always fun to see the boys creativity come out. I have to admit, it is even funner to watch the Dad's. They get so into it. We have to remind then sometimes that this is the boys thing. I am in the Bear scout den so I got to help with the awards. Andrew's car looked great.
This last week was really a long one for me. The day of the derby, I started to feel a little yucky. I thought maybe it was a cold, but by that night I was so miserable I felt like I had been hit by a bus. So I switched my Dr, appt to thursday morning. Come to find out I have influenza. I had a lovely high fever, my ears and throat were so red and my chest and head were so full of green snot I could hardly breath. Thank heavens my doctor was able to give me some good stuff. I do not remember the last time I was slammed so hard. I think I slept for two day straight and could hardly get out of bed. I think my kids were orphans during the day. I was too stubborn to let Jeff stay home from work. Jeff has been really sweet. I am finally feeling better. The cough and snot are not wanting to go away, but hopefully soon. Yea for a new week.

Andrew's lighting car!


Marcy Cheney said...

Andrews' car looks great! It's so fun to watch the Dads with their sons cars---remember those days very well. How sad that you got so sick, but glad your dr. was able to get you on some meds. Hope you get better really soon. We love you guys and can't wait to see everyone this summer.

Katie L. said...

That is a great car! Way to go Andrew! I am sorry that you got so sick, that is crazy! At least you are starting to feel better!

Meredith said...

Man- everyone I know has been sick this year! I'm so sorry you had to get the Flu! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Kim said...

Sorry to hear you were sick! That sucks! and it's even worse when your prego and can't take to much. It looks like Andrew enjoyed the whole car thing. I remember be draged those...funny!!

The Mendenhall's said...

I can't wait until Caden can do fun stuff like that. I'm glad you are feeling better!

Meg said...

His car looks awesome! I'm so glad you put his pictures on the blog!! I tried to call you the other day but you weren't around :-( Love you.