Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What a week!

We were a little crazy at the Rasmussen house last week, but it was so fun. Andrew has started his baseball season and it is so fun to go and watch. He has games two times a week and practice two times a week. It is fun now that he is playing real baseball games. I love sitting in my chair, with a fountain drink pepsi, sitting next to friends and soaking in the sun. What a life. My parents, Dan and Lesli were able to make it to his Friday game. He was so excited to have them there. I was excited to have them here for the weekend. Morgan had her first dance recital on Saturday, so we spent the day at a dress rehearsal. She was so tired. In between all of that, we had a BBQ and then went to the dance recital. It was the cutest thing ever. She just about made her pregnant Mom cry a couple of times. She was so cute and danced so good. We were so proud of her. After the recital we had a llittle birthday party for my Dad. Played some more games and finally went to bed. I was so exhausted. It had been along week and I was glad to see the end. Sunday was Mother's day. We had a nice breakfast and enjoyed the morning. We went to Sacrament meeting and then said good to my Dad, dan and Lesli. My Mom was headed to ST. George for the week, so we got to keep her for a while longer. Jeff and the kids spoiled me as always. It was a good day. I climbed into bed that night and could not keep my eyes open. I love that summer is coming and the craziness that comes with it. It was such a fun weekend. I am so greatful my parents and Les and Dan were willing to come and support my kids in all their little things. We had a great time. My parents with Morgan the little dancer and Lauren.

We were so proud of her.

Doing one of her many little moves. Is she not the cutest thing?

Right before the recital.

Andrew is playing so well. We are so proud of him and his determination.


Marcy Cheney said...

What a fun weekend!!! How neat that your Mom, Dad, Les and Dan were able to spend it with your family. I LOVE the last picture of Morgan...she is so cute! Can't wait to see y'all in about 5 weeks at the reunion. Love ya

Meg said...

I wish I could have been there! I love your adventures and watching you as a mom. Your kids are amazing and they are lucky to have you...I've been missing the entire family a ton...it's been to long. So you better be planning on bringing baby boy to NYC no matter what in November! Love you Brooke!

Meredith said...

Glad you got to have family visit for your little one's special events. How neat! Take care!

elizabeth scott said...

Those are some great pictures miss photographer! It looks like you are enjoying that new camera! (:

Ashton & Co. said...

You got some great pics with your awesome new camera! Congrats on 11 years and you DO have darling girls and a very handsome baseball player!

natalie a said...

oh my goodness if that pic (morgan in full costume) doesn't make you want little girls... nothing will! She is toooooo cute!!!!

jami wyatt said...

Hi Brooke! I keep checking in on your blog to see how things are going for you and the baby. I hope all is going well and I look forward to your big day!
-Jami (Bergeson) Wyatt

Smash said...

Copy and paste everything Jamie wrote. I keep checking in to see the baby progress. Hope all is well the fourth time around.