Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trying and Failing.

I have so muc to catch up on it is scary. I will get there. In the mean time you will have to be patient. I have this sweet friend, who i so open and honest and I want to be just like her. Life has been harded the last couple of months. I have cried and yelled and even thought about getting in my car and not coming back. ( yes I came back) I love my children, I love my husband and I love my life, I am just really tryiing to figure out who i am! I am struggling with it. I dont like change, I dont like me. It is coming. Please stay tune for good blogs. Fun ones are to come. Lots of love.


Aly said...

Oh Brooke...HUGS!!! I feel like I could have written that same post! Some days the only thing that keeps me from running away is knowing I'll just have to come back. Call me the next time you want to run away and I'll go with you. Love the new family picture!

Marcy said...

Oh Brooke, this makes me sad but I so understand where you're at right now. I think we've all been there (maybe still are!), but you do have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful kids who, when all is said and done, LOVE you beyond measure! Keep your head high, hang in there, and above all, don't beat yourself up for being human. I love you :)

Tiffany Robinson said...

I COMPLETELY AGREE!! Stuck in a rut and it's hard to find your way out. I have been there more than once, every mother has. I finally had to start telling myself to be my own kind of MOM! To stop living up to SO MANY expectations. DO WHAT I CAN and let others help.
It's ok if you DON'T DO IT ALL!!
lot's of love your way. I like that you updated :)