Monday, August 3, 2009

4th and 24th of July!

Luke at the Parade.

Andrew and the Army Tank

Lauren when the flag came by
Our Miss Morgan

We stayed here for the 4th of July, seeming how Luke had just gotten home. We had a BBQ and then did fireworks that night. The kids loved it. Poor Jeff ended up having a little neighbor put her sparkler into his hand. It didn't look to bad at first, but after a couple of days it was looking bad. So we took him to the doctor and they removed all the dead skin and put some stuff on the 3rd degree burn and wrapped it up. They put him on antibiotics and he is doing great. I wish I would have taken a picture. It was a very relaxing weekend.

The 24th of July is huge here in Spanish Fork. Every year we go to the Rodeo and they last couple our little Lauren has muttin busted. So we went to the Rodeo Wed. night minus Luke. We left him with our neighbor. Lauren Fell off the sheep pretty hard, but still had a great time. We loved watching the other events. Friday morning we loaded up and went to the parade. We actually took Luke to the parade and he did great. After the parade, we did a BBQ and then tried to do fireworks, but it started to rain. It was a very fun 24th. I love July!