Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Andrew's 2nd grade program

He had the greatest Teacher. Thanks Mrs.Lee

It was Andrew's end of the year program. I can't believe he will be in the 3rd grade. Where does time go? He did such a great job and sang all the songs so well. It was very entertaining. Lauren's program is tomorrow and then as she says, "I will then be a kindergartener." They grow up so fast.
On a sadder note, please keep one of my old high school friends in your prayers. I haven't seen her since high school, but have recently been in touch. Her little 2 year old girl choked on an apple and was life flighted to primary children's. She was deprived of oxygen for 20 min. The doctor's don't have much hope, but Molly and her husband do. Their faith is carrying them through and they deserve that miracle. They love that little girl and are great parents. They are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.


Ashton & Co. said...

Cute pics of Andrew! So sad about Molly- keep me posted if you hear anything if you don't mind. Thanks!p.s. Have you been getting the emails that are circulating around about Lucy? if not, i can forward them on to you...

MZ said...

Hi Brooke...he looks just like his Dad. I haven't seen you since we passed in a restroom in Malad. So I will say hi on your blog! I love your Hawaii pictures. What a fun time it looks like you had. Get your Mom to blog so I can keep track of her.

Katie L. said...

I can't believe that he is going to be in the 3rd grade! Ben is so excited about school too...maybe Lauren and he will be in the same class!

Mandy Gardner said...

Brooke, I love your blog, you are so cute and have the cutest kids. I haven't seen you for so long, but funny thing, we were in Hawaii the exact same time as you, we were just on a different island-ha! It looked like you guys had so much fun! Next time you're in town lets do lunch, I would love to get together and catch up. Love ya, Mandy Gardner

Lici said...

Cute pictures of Lauren and Andrew. I was so sad to hear about Molly's little girl. That just breaks my heart. A friend in my ward did ShowTime with Molly and called and told me about the news. I'll keep them in my prayers.